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Why Should I Chose a Word for the Year?

I don't know about you, but in my life New Year's Resolutions are a bit of a joke. They last for maybe a few months or a few weeks...wait...who am I kidding? They last for a few days of me trying my hardest to exercise more, read my Bible more, drink more water, be a better person, a better wife, a better mom, etc. etc. Resolutions don't work for me. Maybe they don't work for you either? Choosing a word for the year with a faith focus, is a completely different concept. By choosing one word, powered by the Spirit's leading, I have been able to make lasting spiritual, mental and even physical changes in my life. This isn't done by my own willpower, my own strength or my own ability to stick with something. This isn't done with me just wishing something would change and this certainly isn't done with me coming up with one magical word that changed my life. Nope. Do you know what DOES have the power to make incredible changes in my life and yours? Or should I say, do you know WHO has the power to make incredible changes in your life? God. Yep. The One who created you, loves you and chose you to be His. James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Jeremiah 29:13-14 You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. "I will be found by you, declares the LORD..." This One Word One Year Faith Journey is designed to draw you near to God using one intentional word. Just one word. Any word that represents what you'd like to focus on this year in your spiritual life. Take that chosen One Word and begin the One Word One Year Faith Journey. Spend time each week completing the journal prompts, activities and challenges as you watch how God will lead and guide you throughout this year. Are you ready to take the journey? Ask a friend or two to join you. Make this the year of real faith growing. Order your copy of One Word One Year Faith Journey today. Click here.

Remember--- a new year doesn't have to begin in January. A new year can begin right now!


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